Tailored Architect Services.

Having worked on hundreds of residential projects over the past 12 years, we recognise that all projects and clients are slightly different.


MWa  tailor our architect services to suit your needs, project and budget.


We offer our services with the following options:

    1. BASIC
    1. PREMIUM


All MWa services are broken into 4 stages:

Stage 1 Sketch Design: Strategy and Good Decisions

Stage 2 Approvals: The Necessary Compliance

Stage 3 Documentation for Tender, Construction and Construction Certificate:  The Details and The Details

Stage 4: Services During Construction: Getting It Right On-Site and Getting What You’ve Paid For

All levels of MWa service provide what you need to progress your project, along with the best advice and the best design solution to possible, for your home, site and circumstances.

So, what are the differences then between BASIC, STANDARD and PREMIUM services?

Architect Tailored Services




The type of MWa service that will suit your project will depend on many factors.

These including the type of design, type of construction, complexity and sensitivity of the approvals, the number of design consultants and specialist suppliers, the construction and financial risks, the overall budget, and client requirements including time to dedicate to the project, renovation & construction experience & expertise.


MWa BASIC service may be suitable for:

  • a client who has renovated before, or works in the construction or building industry, who can bring their own know-how to the project
  • a client who has adequate time resources to manage their project on an almost full time basis, and can be on-site during construction several times a week, if not daily
  • a project with relatively standard residential construction, which does not require specialist construction design or detailing
  • a project on a straight forward, low risk site (ie not heritage, flood, bushfire, geotechnical slip etc…)
  • a project suitable for approval via the NSW Complying Development Code – so no DA is required
  • a client who will manage their own tendering and building contract negotiation with a builder
  • a client who will manage their relationship and logistics with the builder through construction, including the interior fit out ie: select and supply all the interior fixtures and fittings ie: kitchen, bathroom, robes etc
  • a client who may be happy to proceed on a cost plus basis with a builder, with less documentation at the start, relying on the builder to work things out on-site
  • a client who is not too concerned about the building costs, having some capacity for flexibility to deal with costs as they arise


The basic service delivers great layout and design for the client, and the minimum type of documentation so that the client can manage tendering, negotiating and signing a building contract, applying for a Complying Development Certificate with an Independent Certifier and manage the builder and all other aspects of the project through construction.

The type of minimum documentation for a MWa’s  BASIC service may include 1:100 architecturals, co-ordination with the structural engineer and stormwater engineer, an external window schedule and BASIX certificate, reflected ceiling plan/electrical layouts and an industry standard specification.

As a case study, MWa’s BASIC service may suit a retired couple with some construction management experience, who want a well designed and individual and thoughtful upper floor addition, with project budget around $350K.  The client will manage their own tender and work closely with a trusted builder to deliver the project.  The building contract is likely to be a Dept of Fair Trade / MBA or HIA residential building suitable for NSW.



MWa STANDARD  service may be suitable for:

  • a client who works full time and requires professional services to assist and manage the project as it progresses (albeit the client still requires adequate time to dedicate to the project to fulfil their role an active client)
  • a project with a reasonable degree of residential construction complexity and risk, which warrants thorough documentation and co-ordination with design consultants – ie: planner, heritage, arborist, landscape, structural, stormwater, geotechnical and co-ordination with sub contractors/suppliers ie: lift, pool, solar, hydronic heating, air conditioning etc
  • a project with some complexity of residential construction and character, which requires construction design and detailing
  • a project with some site risks ie steep site, drainage,  heritage, flood, bushfire, geotechnical slip etc
  • a project where a DA is required to be lodged with the local Council for approval
  • a project where the construction budget warrants full and complete documentation to seek competitive tenders on the basis of a fixed lump sum contract
  • a project where the client wants to manage their costs and wants to know the full expenditure for construction and the overall project at tender,  BEFORE construction commences
  • a project where the architectural and interiors and outdoor spaces are documented together, prior to tender
  • a project which warrants the involvement of the architect during construction in a design management role, to work with the builder and client through construction to deliver what is designed and documented – although the client remains the main point of contract with the builder
  • a client who may manage the financial aspects of the relationship with the builder and the building contract


MWa’s  STANDARD service delivers great layout and design for the client, full co-ordination of design consultants and specialist suppliers, through documentation for a competitive tender of the architectural and interiors components, and management services in getting to signing a building contract and obtaining a construction certificate.

The architect remains involved throughout construction providing design management services, including the delivery of the interiors and finishes, although it does not include any formal contract administration services.   The building contract is likely to be a Dept of Fair Trade / MBA or HIA residential building suitable for NSW.

As a case study, MWa’s STANDARD service may a professional couple with a family, with the renovation of their house within a heritage conservation area, which involves a rear addition, outdoor space and pool.  The design work includes all architectural and interiors including full joinery package, and a project construction of $1.2mill.  The client may live in the home throughout construction and see the builder on a daily basis, or have the capacity to dedicate at least one to two days a week to the project during construction.



MWa PREMIUM  service is a full traditional service provided by an architect, throughout all stages of design, approvals and construction.

The main difference between STANDARD and PREMIUM is the architect’s full contract administration services during construction, through to the end of the defects liability period.  The building contract is an Australian Building Industry Contract (ABIC) with Owner, Contractor and Architect;  a fixed lump sum contract with provisions for variations, retention, liquidated damages and defects liability period – amoung other features.

MWa  is responsible for all instructions to the builder on-site, assessing & certifying progress claims and variations (so that’s the financial aspects of the relationship with the builder) and all other aspects of the contract.  This service and contract provides the greatest level of consumer protection to the client of all NSW building contracts.  The service lowers the construction risk and financial exposure of the client to issues on site.

This services usually requires weekly or fortnightly site meetings with the builder, client and architect, as the design develops on-site through construction, and co-ordination by the architect continues with the design consultants and suppliers as needed.

Typically, the client is not living in the house during construction, and the project value and complexity warrants the professional involvement of the architect to deliver the results on-site.

Contract administration serviced during construction can suit any project budget size, but generally suit projects which are around $1mil +, involve architectural and interior services and busy clients who are relying on a full and integrated services of MWa to deliver the project.


The above categories of services are not absolute or fixed, and your project may suit a hybrid approach.  To find out more about how MWa can help you with your new home or renovation, book an on-site consultation on 0421 088 110. 

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