HOME SWEET HOME: Beyond #stayathome


Home Sweet Home: Beyond #stayathome

In the past few months here in Australia, the importance of home has come to the fore of our existence, probably as many of us have never experienced.

Through the bushfires, our homes under threat and in some cases lost, to our connections with our physical place in the world (be it our land and our communities), to the collective retreat into our homes for health and safety, our homes are our castles.

If we didn’t already value our homes enough, maybe our focus moving forward will be more inward, home based and sustainable.

With the health and economic challenges for everyone beyond this crisis, what will this mean for residential architecture?

I predict our homes will have to work harder for us.

Our focus will sharpen as our resources are stretched.

We will be looking for ways to fortify our castle, to protect and to provide for ourselves and our families.

We will want homes which can adapt and respond to changes over time.

We will continue to need more flexibility to work from home.

We will need more capacity for multi generational living, to care for the younger and the older generations of our families.

We will need our homes to provide for us a solution to our affordability crisis, be that more space for multi generational living, flexible use space, a secondary dwelling or a sub division of land.

We will need more sustainable homes in terms of power, energy, water efficiency and productive land.

We will need our homes, as our largest financial assets, to be at their maximum capacity in terms of potential income, value & saleability, in the event it needs to be traded.

We need more comfort at home, in terms of shelter, shade, warmth, sunlight, daylight, inside & outside living and our gardens.

We will need connectivity (digital connectivity as well as transport).

And we will need our neighbours.

This is what good urban design, good neighbourhood planning and good residential architecture is all about.

If you are seeing the future of your home, and would like to move it forward, we can help.

Plan for the future now, beyond #stayathome.

Talk to us on 04221 088 110.





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