Outdoor Living

THE GREAT OUTDOORS “are the in thing”


THE GREAT OUTDOORS “are the in thing” – according to a new study published in this weekend’s Domain Magazine (SMH / AFR).

Outdoor Living

Here at MWa, we already knew that outdoor living is  “pressing the buttons for home buyers of today”.

Domain New Living 6/7 April 2018 lead with a TREND article “Great Outdoors are the in thing” siting new research by Yates that reveals home buyers in Australia now prioritise the outdoor space over the kitchen and bathroom, when considering a new home.

This research highlights the importance of outdoor and green spaces for home buyers and sellers.

This makes sense, but its not just the appeal of the outdoor space on its own.

“Its where the family congregates in the home that’s the most important element” says Ray Ellis of First National Real Estate Chief Executive.  “It depends on the particular set of needs of the family.  Its more than just a kitchen, its more than just a garden”.

At MWa, we have been designing outdoor living spaces as an integral part of our residential projects for the past decade.  Its very often at the top of our clients’ list of absolute requirements.

Sometimes, its the catalyst for engaging MWa for a renovation and the outdoor living space is created before moving onto a latter renovation.

Take a look at our portfolio of projects for some inspiration.

The Roseville Pavilion is a full outdoor room complete with views to the pool, lounge suite, outdoor kitchen with bbq, integrated fridge, outdoor bar and outdoor wood fireplace.

The Manly Vale Bush House has a great outdoor room which can be enclosed with flexible bifold aluminium shutters for complete shade and protection.

The Diamond House has an operable pergola roof with space for a lounge, outdoor dining table, in built tiled outdoor bbq bench, and leads to the outdoor fire pit & surrounds in the low maintenance garden.

Contact MWa today to discuss your renovation and outdoor living space, and we can help you get started.

You may also be able to start building under the Exempt Works of the NSW General Housing Code for Exempt and Complying Development.

Find out more: contact MWa on 0421 088 110.