The MWa Way: The Way We Do Things

The MWa Way is the way we do things at MWa.

It’s our philosophy which guides our clients, our design, our service, our practice.


The MWa Way Designs to Improve your Home and your Family Life.

Our clients want a home which improves their family life.

They want a house which suits them just right.  They want a house which makes family living as easy as it can be, and creates a place which feels like their true home base – secure, generous and comfortable.

The MWa Way designs your home so you can feel like everything is in its place so you can get on with living your best life.


The MWa Way Creates Destination Forever Homes, The Place Your Family and Friends Want to Be.

Our clients want that “wow” factor.  They want a place that will entice their teenage kids to spend time at home and invite their friends over.  They want a place where their own friends and family can come together, and want to be.  A place which makes hosting the whole family together at Christmas easy.

The MWa Way creates destination homes, the best house in the street, a place that’s a magnet for your friends and family.


The MWa Way Builds the Past Into the Future, Embracing How We Live Now and the Next Generation of Family Living.

Our clients live in homes which were built for another era.  These homes have character but don’t provide modern residential amenities (like outdoor entertaining, inside/outside connection, site responsive sunshine and daylight, generous main bedrooms, bathrooms, adequate storage, good garaging.)  These homes don’t embrace how we live now, don’t facilitate our contemporary lifestyles.  These homes don’t anticipate flexible uses over time, adaptable living for ageing occupants or multi generational living.

The MWa Way builds the best of the past into your future.


The MWa Way Integrates AOI – Architecture, Outside and In, combining residential architecture, interiors and outdoor spaces.

Our clients want a home which feels like it was always meant to be this way.  A home which is the result of considered and integrated design, responsive to its site and its landscape setting, a home with good manners in terms of a sense of entry, eligibility and functions, the flow of spaces and their connections – inside and out.   A home which is grounded to its site, responsive to natural light and Sydney sunshine, makes the most of inside/outside connections, reflects our lifestyle which includes informal open planned living and outdoor living.

The MWa Way creates a masterplan for your home, making the most of what can be.


The MWa Way Delivers a One-Stop-Shop Residential Design Service for our busy clientele on Sydney’s north shore and northern beaches.

Our clients are busy.  Our clients have high expectations.  Our clients have full control in decision making and value the benefit of harnessing a team of good people around them, to work with them through all stages of their project, to get the best result possible.

The MWa delivers a personalised, integrated service to orchestrate your renovation or build.


The MWa Way starts before design begins, providing free resource and information to prospective clients.  Find out more in our straight talking Client Advice articles.

1 Architects – Do you need one? Is your project suitable?

2 Your Brief: Wish List, Shopping List & Priorities List: Decide what you need, what you want and what you can spend – before finding your architect.

3 Your Architect – A Good Match: How to find the right architect.

4 Process: Strategy, Vision, Compliance, Detail & Delivery: How it all works 

5 Costs & Cashflow – 2018 Case Study: A recent renovation case study which shows you where the money goes and the cashflow from start to finish.

6 Time – How long will it take?: How to cut six months off a renovation time frame.

7 Fees – Myth vs Reality

8 Manage Costs, Save Money: 10 Ways to Manage Costs, 10 Ways to Save Money



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