Manly House | Rear Addition


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MWa’s featured animated 3Ds illustrate our recent design work on the Manly Architect Alteration Additions.

The original home is a a substantial federation house on the hill, with harbour views.  Built with traditional materials, the home has a sandstone base, double brick walls and a tiled roof.

The recent sketch design work is for a ground rear addition, with a traditional character featuring a new pitched roof, expressed timber rafters, timber panelling, stone fireplace, timber doors opening onto a veranda, a covered outdoor entertaining space.  The use of operable sliding shutters will provide control for privacy and solar protection from the northern sun.

The existing home will be touched lightly, with very few alterations to the original part of the home.  The existing recent rear additions including outdoor WC will be demolished and replaced with a new rear ground floor additions.  The wrap around veranda will provide the quintessential Australian character, an interstitial space between the indoors and the outdoors.

Our 3D capabilities are the result of accurate CAD software and sketch up.  The results are design tools which aid in the understanding of both the external character and form, the interface with the existing dwelling, the interior spaces and the streetscape character of the Manly architect alteration additions. At MWa we use sketch up in our initial sketch design process, so clients have the benefits of visualising their homes at the very beginning of the manly architect alteration and additions process.  We also provide our clients with their own sketch up file, to explore at home and to show interested friends and family.

For more of MWa’s work on federation homes, see the MWa Latest News Blog under Heritage.

Type: Detached Dwelling, 1920s Federation, Manly architect alteration and additions

Location: Manly

Council: Manly Council, Northern Beaches, Sydney